
The Planning Profile Builder is not a legal document.  It is an easy way to determine what set of legal documents are best for you.  Even if you chose to continue and create a legal plan with documents, you can make mistakes or add info later.  We call this “fine-tuning.”  

No.  The Profile Builder does not ask for specific info.  It is a profile builder based on your answer to specific metrics.  If you choose to create a legal plan, you don’t need  all the info right now beacause you will have a link to your answers and will be able to easily change or revise your answers or even your plan.  You can make changes as you please.  Some of our Family Leaders have made revisions and updated info five or six times.  

When working on the Profile Builder, answer the questions for you and your spouse.  If your spouse owns rental properties and you do not, answer “Yes” to the questions about rental property ownership. 
If you create a full legal plan, the drafting app is sophisticated.  It can determine if your legal plan is a “mirror” plan. That is, two sets of identical documents.  If it is not a mirror plan because one spouse has different children and different beneficiaries, two different things, the app can figure that out, too.  

No.  The Profile Builder asks general questions like, “do you own a home?” It does not solicit any confidential, sensitive info about your accounts, income, investments, etc.   
Even if you choose to purchase a plan, the app does not solicit that kind of info for plan creation.  

There is a reason for this.  If your profile is one of the “Estate Transfer” profiles, it does not matter what you own now. It only matters what you own when you die.  We have a way to handle that.  
In Asset Protection profiles, some plans require new beneficiary designations.  The app drafts those, too. However, this some happens long after you have signed your documents.  

We have a Planning Profile called “Estate Transfer Simple“. 

The other six profiles are complicated.  They speak to families with property in different states, disabled or struggling family members, mixed families, taxable estates, families with too much money, families with not enough money,  on and on.  

Remember, it is not only the fact patterns that differ.  It is also the applicable law. That is why this app is used by lawyers to help them solve these complicated problems.