you want an estate plan but don't know how to get there?
The roadmap gives you everything you need to implement the correct plan
Academy resources during course
experienced instructor
full set of essential documents
Bonus content at the end
Office Hours for Q and A
14 day trial with guarantee of refund
Financial know-how not required
Copies of your tax returns and account statements are not needed to plan your estate. It's not a tax audit.
Not just for the rich and famous
Everyone will one day pass away and pass along their property. Adding asset protection is more important for smaller estates.
Choose your options
Learn about your options so you can generate the correct legal documents to protect your family's wealth.
Phase 1 - Choosing your money model
1. Legal terms
2. The three models
3. SpEC Framework
We begin with an introduction to the legal world and the language it uses. The lexicon in this lesson include the terms we will use throughout the course.
Three money models include: Traditional Estate Planning, Asset Protection Planning, and Generational Family Wealth Planning.
The SPEC Framework stands for “Sufficiency, Policy, Education, and Continuity.” “Sufficiency” refers to the simple fact that the Law has requirements and they must be met.
Phase 2 - Choosing Your Team
If you are unable to make financial decisions, appoint someone to do it for you.
In the event your health is threatened by an event or disease to the extent that you are impaired, appoint someone to make healthcare decisions for you.
Phase 3 - Choosing your options
8. testament
9. trust
Under the eyes of the Law, there are three categories of property; tangible, intangible and personal property.
A Last Will and Testament has many advantages, and if you’re married, create a Spousal Protection Trust within your Last Will and Testament.
Trust is a legal document; a trust agreement. It is one person transferring wealth to it yet another person to manage and safeguard for yet, for the benefit of yet another person.
bonus content
10. community property
Community Property is defined as any asset acquired after the date of marriage.
Agreement as to Disposition of Assets is a document used by spouses to list which property is community property and separate property.
In most cases, we’re waiting until the first death occurs before we fund the trust. In this lesson, Darol emphasizes the importance of putting properties in the right basket.
Estate tax savings trusts are used to capture the state’s death tax credit. In this lesson, Darol explained the importance of having an established estate tax savings trust, i.e., Credit Shelter Trust and Marital Trust to reduce the surviving spouse’s taxable estate.
This lesson focuses on basic tax rules and powerful tips to turn the tables on unnecessary taxes. Referred to as “tax-efficient investing”, Shane explains how tax lost harvesting can increase your after-tax returns now and in the future.
The rule against perpetuities states that a trust must be created within the life of being plus 21 years.
In this lesson, Darol talks about how Property Law is the most stable area of Law.
Decide on what type of gifts your Trustee is allowed to make. Also, take into consideration if you consider gifts given while you’re still alive as an “Advancement.”
Avoid paying unnecessary death taxes by adding clauses that allocate to your death administration expenses.
This lesson answers the questions, can the Trustee resign? Can they be forcibly removed? What happens when the Trustee has become incapacitated, etc.?
The asset protection Roadmap
PLUS the legal documents to make it all happen
Many start their plan by choosing the type of legal document they think they need. Choosing legal documents is the last step.
a course like no other
This course contains 18 lessons and will show you how to create and implement an asset protection plan.
This course comes with course materials and graphics to illustated concepts. Best of all, all students will also have access to a drafting app. The drafting app easily and quickly drafts all the legal documents necessary for an estate and asset protection plan! Acquiring wealth took effort. Growing it and protecting will be easy!
The One Thing
There are three planning models: estate transfer, asset protection, and family wealth building. Determining your model will reveal your course.
Retired, recently married, or a financial services professional agree
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before beginning
why a roadmap?
A roadmap guides you around the obstacles to success.
raise your hand if you have any of these thoughts

legal documents are too expensive
We agree. A law firm is a business. In most cases, the firm charges a flat fee to complete an estate plan. It is about scale. The fewer clients a firm has, the higher the fee for each estate plan.

I don't have enough to protect
Do you feel like this stuff is only for the rich? Unfortunately, the less you have, the more important it is to lawfully protect, especially from brutal Medicaid spend-downs. People ignore this with arrogant defiance. That's fine. Maybe it will all work out. There is an expression among lawyers when confronted with this attitude - wishful thinking isn't a plan.

Becoming Problem Aware is a good thing.

Financial advisors say something different
The role of an advisor is to provide access to money managers on Wall Street. To attract more clients, advisors often stray from investment advice and advise on legal matters. Would you hire a plumber to do your open heart surgery? So, why are you listening to someone who has no legal training?

legal stuff is too complicated
Lawyers speak a language that only they can understand. They also look at your estate plan as a transaction. As a result, lawyers often rush people out the door, spending one, maybe two hours helping their clients understand the documents they purchased. We get it. The traditional law firm model confuses people because they do not provide the necessary information.
Three Easy steps
PSSt. Hey, Buddy! You aint getting out of this one alive.

“It’s not like car insurance where you pay premiums each year and maybe you will get in an accident, maybe you won’t. No one is getting out of this one alive. It has to be done”
a BoomX Member, Family Leader level
Try the roadmap today and experience the awesomeness yourself
What Others Are Saying
There is so much to learn. I always ask Steve, "what about this?" And he always says, "I don't know, that is a great question for Darol."
This course that Darol is putting together is going to be a great opportunity to learn and get the hang of it.
Steve and Linda
The Roadmap is the secret to protecting everything
What if this couple did not protect their wealth?
Without asset protection
The biggest mistake couples make is to use a living trust or a simple will to leave their estate to their spouse. What heppens next? Your spouse, who is in advanced old age when you died, is left alone. Maybe it is a fall, dementia, or just age-related impairment.
This is very unfortunate because all you left her is subject to the BRUTAL $2,000 spend-down requirement for Medicaid. You might as well have just named the nursing home as your heir.
Ten states have a separate estate tax. Some do not know this or ignore it. In Oregon, the amount you can pass tax-free is only one million dollars. Above that amount Oregon takes up to 16%.
Your spouse passed and you are left alone. You fall and it exacerbates dementia. You spend time in an assisted living facility and then a nursing home. You spend everything paying for care until you go on Medicaid.
With asset protection
This one is SO easy. The same statute that enacted the Medicaid spend-down and lien rules, also authorized a trust for your spouse. It you left your estate to your spouse in this trust, the trustee would pay her expeneses, etc. The great thing is that the assets in the trust are NOT subject to any Medicaid spend-down rules. That’s right. Five-year look-back period, and transfer penalties do not apply. Medicaid can NEVER slap a lien on these assets. It is 100% protected.
You took the roadmap course and know what to do. If married, leaving an inheritance to outright spouse results in the loss of your estate tax credit. Easy fix. You have an credit shelter trust that maximizes your tax credit and double the amount of your total tax-free exemption.
You know how it works. You have chosen a care path that includes high-quality care communities that allow roll-overs to Medicaid without a sacrifice in care or quality of life. You look ahead and transfer your nest egg into a family trust and appoint your son as trustee. When you fall, you private pay for a short time. The wealth in the trust is protected. Your family can supplement your care. They are rewarded with a legacy.
Are you the type of person who has to know how it works before making a decision?
How the roadmap Works

The Asset Protection Roadmap assumes that you have little or no prior knowledge or experience in implementing a legal plan. The roadmap has three steps as explained above. The first step is the overview of the different ways to plan your estate.
Steps are organized into topics in the order you should take when creating a family and financial plan. For example, we began with the types of plans rather than trust law because an estate transfer plan has different goals than an asset protection plan. For this reason, one does not need to know about Medicaid or tax if the goal is simply to pass wealth at death without the least amount of friction.
Successful completion of one lesson is required before moving to the next. Lessons are organized by topics.
Phase 1: Learning
Before jumping into the nuts and bolts of planning your estate, the course introduces you to the three planning models. You will also learn about the bigger picture with the SPEC framework. The pillars of the SPEC framework create a mental map of the planning process, family decision-making, and continuation of the financial vision to subsequent generations.
Phase 2: Decision Making
Power of Attorney for delegation of financial decision-making
A goal of the course is to educate students on the purpose of and provisions within the legal documents they will create. Phase 2 kicks off with a lesson on the financial power of attorney.
Limited Power of Attorney to preserve the option of a contingent asset protection plan
Learn how this important legal document 1) creates a leadership ladder for financial and health care decisions, 2) gives the younger family member who will act as the decision-maker instructions on the proper steps,and 3) preserve the ability to create and fund an asset protection trust to protection wealth from Medicaid spend-downs.
Health care documents
The health care power of attorney, if drafted correctly, is the beginning of your medical plan. The power of attorney not only delegates health care decision-making, it provides the evidence necessary to prevent Medicaid recovery, i.e., the foreclosure of a lien on your primary residence
Phase 3: protecting
The course dives into the prinicples and tools used in asset protection and estate transfer to include the Last Will and Testament, Spousal Protection Trust, Living Trust, irrevocable trusts, tax savings trusts, and more.
Many do not have estate plans because the idea of their own death makes them sad.
feel like being the opposite of sad?

how about the feeling of being a hero to your family?
“Man! My dad was a rock star. He even financed the estate tax with a separate life insurance policy. Who does that?!”
Here is what you will receive
You will be enrolled for the six months, more than enough to learn the material and create your contingent, asset protection plan.
This course contains over four hours of video instruction, plus audio, text, and visual content.
Valued at $6,860 to $8,100, the drafting app will also create the essential documents described in the course.
Each week, the instructor will go LIVE to present on topics related to the course followed by open Q and A
All students will have access to a Facebook-like social group to post questions, upload photos and other content, and learn from each other
You will be able to get answers from the instructor by using the messaging app that comes with membership
Frequently Asked Questions
Both. The Roadmap Course contains 17 on-demand lessons. During the six-month time frame that students have access to the course, there are monthly live sessions on topics related to the on-demand lessons.
Yes. You will use the drafting app to create a set of legal documents. Here is a link to the documents you will be able to create.
When you finish the interview in the drafting app and hit submit, the documents are emailed to you within seconds.
You are able to attend Office Hours for 60 days for Q and A. Office Hours is a weekly, one-hour Q and A session with the instructor. You can also message us using the community messaging app.
If you still have questions after 60 days, you can join Family Leaders. This membership level is $44 per month, but the first month is a free trial period. You can cancel at any time. Family Leaders has many benefits including Office Hours as long as you are a member.
We send you Word documents so that you can make changes if you change your mind about something, e.g., a reordering of the succession of trustees.
You have access to the drafting app for six months after the date of enrollment. You also will receive a link to the drafting app that contains the answers to the interview questions. You can use the link to edit the data you submitted within the app and re-submit your documents. This link expires after 60 days from the date you created your documents the first time.