Tale of Two Lawyers Darol Interviews the Savvy Estate Planner

The best podcasts are conversations between people who are authentic, proficient in their subject matter, and willing to share their knowledge to help others. This episode is just that, a candid conversation between two experienced asset protection attorneys. Join us as Darol interviews James Cunningham, founder and CEO of Cunningham Legal, a California personal and business planning law firm, and author of the Savvy Estate Planner. Jim and Darol hit it off, share stories about their careers, and lay out solid tips to help families grow and protect their families’ wealth.

You can check out Jim’s law firm by going to his website at www.cunninghamlegal.com. You can also purchase his book, the Savvy Estate Planner, on Amazon. Here is the link. (The BoomX Show and its host, Darol Tuttle, receive no compensation or affiliate commission of any type by providing this link.)

Some of the topics Darol and Jim discuss are:

Differences in Medicaid laws between California, Florida, and Washington.

How lawyers help their clients understand income and estate taxes specific to each state.

The benefits of a Trust Protector and why every family leader should include Trust Protector provisions even if proposed trustees push back.

What to look for when hiring a financial advisor to include the benefits of a true fiduciary.
