Your health care plan should be expressed in a legal document. Here’s why.

The best place to express your desires for health care is within the four corners of a legal document, to wit: a health care power of attorney, advance directive, and a records release. Learn why in this episode and how you can create your own set of documents.

You will also learn why care costs are so expensive and what that means for many patients.

The reason the medical services industry is the most frequent target of cyber break-ins and theft also explains why so many go broke in retirement. Protecting yourself and your assets require and understanding of why care is so expensive. The Law has solutions but it takes effort.

Health Care Documents - intro to 18:00

especially the Power of Attorney and Advance Directive. Will a Power of Attorney help you end your pain if your state allows physician-assisted suicide?

Medicare Part D and the cost of prescription drugs - 16:00

Median net worth - 19:20

Think strategically about care - 22:10

Definition of plan at 23:00

Hacker answer at 23:20

What happens when you are sick and can't afford care? 24:30 one

Learn more about Medicaid:
