Step Two

Step Two

For some, Step Two is a breeze. Others will struggle and perhaps delay moving forward indefinitely. This step is rarely discussed among family, and when lawyers are hired to draft a plan, they defer to their clients and offer no advice. That is unfortunate because attorneys are in a unique position to witness what has worked and what has failed when other clients have chosen one path or another.

The Four Jobs

We will not spend time now on the legal and real-life reasons behind the following requirements. Later in this step, you will find a resource that will dive deeper into the subject matter, to include the origins, purposes, and ramifications of the following legal truths.

You must have a health care power-of-attorney for your health care plan, a financial power-of-attorney for bil-paying, managing financial assets, and doing anything, really, in the modern world. If your money model is Asset Protection, you need a limited power-of-attorney. A power-of-attorney appoints a person to act as your "agent."

When you pass, if your money model is asset protection, you must appoint an Executor, also called a Personal Representative, other than your spouse if you are married in some cases. You will also need to appoint a trustee to set up, fund, and manage the trusts you create.

These are the four jobs in planning:

  1. Agent for health care decisions
  2. Agent for financial decisions
  3. Executor
  4. Trustee

I emphasize the word "jobs" because the same person could fill all of those job and likely will . However, your appointed agent for health care can quit. So, you need a back up, preferably two.

It is your plan, but banks detest co-signers on an account. Usually, joint decision-makers who are also siblings during a time of stress over a parent's health and subsequent death is often a defective decision-making model. Pick one person to fill each or all of the above-listed jobs. Then think of two more who will serve consecutively if any acting agent, executor, or trustee resign.


This Roadmap is an extremely watered-down version of the Asset Protection Roadmap Course. The Course contains lessons with video, audio, written, and multi-media content to discuss these issues further. For example, is it preferable to appoint a professional trustee. What exactly is the job description of a trustee compared to an executor. If you are stuck, strongly consider enrolling in that course.

Good News!

You have some momentum. Most never get this far. Likely, you put it off for many years, too. Do not get hung up on Step Two, any step for that matter. You will have time, even after you receive your documents, to change your mind. That is, the Drafting App sends you your legal documents instantly in Word format and you can use the app for sixty days. I many cases, it is best to make a tentative appointment of a family member and notify them by sending them a copy of the drafts. They should be notified as soon as possible, and preferably before you finalize your plan and sign the documents.

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However, I doubt that people decide to pay unnecessary taxes, fees and stand idly by as wealth is lost because they are on the government’s side. During most of my career, I thought this attitude, that action should not be taken to avoid a financial loss, was just a mental hiccup, a cognitive bias that prevents some people from making correct decisions about wealth. However, as I have grown in my profession, I now see that it is more related to one, of three, philosophies about wealth. Unfortunately, the attitude that is passive about protecting wealth is the traditional and, therefore, prevalent model. The reasons it is traditional is all about human longevity. Throughout all of human history, humans have lived short lives. In the Middle Ages, when probate and trust law invented, men lived, on average, to be just twenty-five years. That average age was not doubled until the early 1900s, over a thousand years later. However, in the last century, the average life expectancy of an American male has almost doubled again. Biologically, there are more opportunities and different challenges than the current perspective of the Law even realizes.

The law is reactive, not proactive. As such, the traditional model has only sought to pass wealth from an asset owner to the next generation because the asset owner would live a short life as would the next generation. Life has been so difficult in terms of survival, the Law has simply left it at that. As such,

There are three models in planning, the traditional model is estate planning and views life and, therefore, wealth, as short. The other two models do not. I will refer to these models often and you should always think in their terms because the model you choose will require actions specific to that planning model. If you view the purpose of your money as a simple, outright transfer to the next generation, then estate planning is your swim lane. SECURE Act is not a threat because the estate planning model is not focused on the protection of wealth beyond just your lifetime. However, if you view wealth as the means by which you plan to empower your family for more than your life plus ten years, then one of the two other models are applicable to you.


Estate Planning

The objective of estate planning is estate transfer. The word “estate” is a legal term that refers only to the assets once owned by a now deceased person. The Law is reactive, not proactive. Therefore, traditional estate planning limits its objective to the transfer of assets of a person to either a spouse or the next generation in a limited way.

Asset Protection

The objective of asset protection is different. Asset protection, as I define it, includes all of estate planning but has the focus is on the protection of assets while the assert owner, his or her spouse are still alive. The trigger event for estate planning is the death of the asset owner. The trigger event of asset protection is now!

Generational Family Wealth Planning

The objective of family wealth is to strengthen a family around a set of core values and a vision for the future. The assets of a successful family finances the family using all of the tools of estate planning and asset protection but the time horizon is seven generations. There is an entire course dedicated to the devices you used to this model.