A Powerful Strategy to Protect the Inheritance of your Children while Providing for your Spouse

The BoomX Academy hosts office hours weekly, where family leaders gather and ask questions on various topics related to retirement planning, estate planning, and even long-term care planning.

In this episode, we bring you inside Office Hours as a family leader asks BoomX Show host Darol Tuttle the best way to protect his estate for his children from a prior marriage while providing for his surviving spouse if she should die first. Learn how a Spousal Protection Trust works, reduces estate tax bills, and preserves the estate from Medicaid liens. If you are confused about how trusts work and when they are created, this is the episode for you.

As always, you can find additional content and resources at www.BoomXacademy.com. You also may request the FREE BoomX Retirement Plan provided by SC Financial Group by clicking this link.
